Buy this house and have instant equity of around $40,000.
00 from online estimates or to over $110,000 from September 2022 Appraisial of $314,000 form refinancing
Bad credit ok, no bank involvement
This is a work for equity home.
This house is offered on a lease purchase or rent to own.
Some work to be done is mostly painting flooring and the patio door looks like it lost the seals for the glass.
With money down and monthly payment you can start your journey to owning while your getting things on order to buy.
Great location just outside Little Chute (Kaukauna mailing address)
This 3 bedroom 2 bath home could be yours located on .
94 acres of land large back yard and your own septic and well
Some clean up on the property I'll raise the price $2000.
00 if you want it all cleaned up.
Fill out the form below to see if you qualify for this house or when we get others.
Appliances included Stove Refrigerator Washer Dryer
Your Next Step
Yes, I like this home!
No, I’m not interested in this home.
I’m forwarding this form and the application.
Please call me with other homes you have available.
To get an answer today, we need to have the following information:
Your Name _____________________________________ Phone # ______________________
Email _______________________________________________________________________
How much money do you have as a down payment today? $_________________________
(We can work with tax refunds, equity in other homes, bonuses, future settlements, retirement funds, 401K, etc.
and we take personal property you may want to trade such as cars, boats, RV’s, motorcycles, trucks, etc.
What additional down payment funds will you have available throughout the year? $_____________________
tax refunds, bonus checks, 2nd job commission, insurance claims, lawsuit settlements, etc.
What date do you want to move in? ______________________
What do you need your monthly payment to stay under? ______________________
Is your credit _____Good _____Fair _____Ugly Credit Score ___________
Can you get the repairs done this house needs? ______________
What area do you want? _____________________________________________________
How many bedrooms and bathrooms? __________________
Is garage mandatory? _______________
When are you ready to buy? _____________
Other requirements _________________________________________________________
Please complete the information requested above and the Applicant Information Sheet and return this note with your application/s.
You can return your application to us four ways.
Take Picture with your phone and send it to us.
Please call or text to verify we got all the pages.
show contact info
Send it to our office.
PO Box 255 Berlin, WI 54923
Call show contact info with the information
We accept applications on a 1st come 1st serve basis.
Thank you so much for your interest in this home.
We look forward to overcoming any obstacle standing in the way of you and your new home.